Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Six pack abs are a pre-cellulite phenonenon

Health experts say six-pack abs are actually a pre-cellulite phenomenon, which is to say that in the law of nature, they should only occur in teenagers and people in their 20's. But man has proven there are ways to bend the laws of nature, so if you're 30 or 40 or older, according to the same health experts, with a strict program and the right genetics, believe that you can achieve the elusive six-pack abs. 

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The dumbbell lunge cellulite exercises

The dumbbell lunge is one of the best cellulite exercises you can do, to start building muscle strength and body mass. This wil lead to weight loss and firmer toned attractive legs.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Lymph Massage to lose cellulite

lymph massage is a certain massage that has been known to aid in weight loss and shrinking waist lines. It has more benefits than just the waist slimming features and is  especially beneficial if you want to lose cellulite. Many women find that adding the lymphatic massage to their weight lossroutines is an easy way to boost the amount of weight they lose and keep off.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Jessica Alba and her Fat Cellulite

Jessica Alba and her Fat Cellulite

Jessica Alba on being on the cover of men's magazines: "I've never been comfortable showing my body off like that. I used to have anxiety attacks before I  did the photo shoots. I'd never worn high heels or even dresses before I did movies . . . I wasn't even allowed to show my stomach in my house when I was growing up — my parents were very strict. But this is the business I'm in, and it's made me a lot of money, so I can't complain."

Jessica on her comfort with her body: "Way more comfortable, since I had a baby. I'm far less self-conscious now I have her to worry about."

Jessica Alba and how she views herself in the mirror: "There's something so amazing about having a child. My breasts are saggy, I've got cellulite, my hips are bigger, but I love it."

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Mothers weight influences children's weight

A survey of 1,037 women has uncovered a knowledge gap when it comes to certain weight issues - including their influence on their children's weight. 
Mothers genes can also influence fat cellulite in their offspring. As this is genetic there is not much you can do about this.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Bosu Ball to lose cellulite

The BOSU ball can be used for a variety of exercises like single or two footed balance stances, ab and back exercises, push-ups and other stability exercises. These are particularly useful for exercises where your objective is to help you lose cellulite  The balance aspects make the muscles work much more than a Reebok step machine, or other fixed platform.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Using a sauna to lose cellulite

Using a sauna can accelerate your body's metabolism which leads to the breakdown of fat and cellulite.

While it cannot be relied upon as a sole method for losing weight, sauna use is generally a harmless addition to a weight loss regimen.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Pilates is perfect for toning and smoothing

Pilates is perfect for toning and smoothing the areas of the body that attract fat cellulite.
No wonder so many dancers and actors do Pilates

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Red Meat, Proteins and Weight Gain

Proteins are essential for the development of muscle mass. Since muscles have a greater density than fat, people who build muscles in the detriment of fat may actually look slimmer, even though the weight increases. From this point of view, consumption of red meat may not seem so harmful. However, you need to take into consideration the fact that red meat also includes significant amounts of fat, which does not only contribute to weight gain, but also to higher cholesterol levels. It is, thus, recommended to rely on other protein sources in order to prevent weight gain and heart coronary diseases caused by high cholesterol levels. By limiting red meat in your diet, you are limiting fat intake, which is necessary tif you want o get rid of cellulite.