Wednesday 27 April 2011

Tim Ferris on How To Lose Cellulite


Timothy Ferriss's new book The Four Hour Body contains many controversial techniques. It does however have a great chapter on building the perfect posterior and especially legs, tummy and but. This is a great resource to lose cellulite. 

Friday 17 December 2010

tom cruise

Does Tom have cellulite?Cellulite in men is tougher to find out because guys have thicker skin when compared with ladies. It's also difficult to see cellulite in men due to how fat is saved in a male's body. The fat of men is kept further underneath the skin of guys than girls. For this reason guys ordinarily see cellulite in places where they have thin skin like on their neck.

Numerous guys these days are seeing cellulite on their bodies. Have no fear though since this is an ordinary incident. Guys can select to make use of anti-cellulite creams or creams that minimize cellulite. They could as well pick to do it the natural way and stick to carrying out a proper and proper diet, regular exercise and making sure there is sufficient water in the body. Males as well have the choice of going through invasive and costly surgical treatment if the cellulite really disturbs them. Maybe Tom should start trying to contro cellulite before it gets too bad.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Mediterranean Diet

The Italians, have known for centuries that the Mediterranean diet keeps you fit and trim. It's about time the rest of the world caught up. Fannulloni!

The Mediterranean diet includes foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil, and moderate amounts of fish and wine, but very little saturated fats, like eggs, red meat, dairy products, and poultry.

And a new study says people who follow a Mediterranean diet may avoid putting on extra weight as they age. 

Diet of course needs to go hand in hand with exercise, so if you are following a program of cellulite exercises consider the Mediterranean Diet. 

Sunday 12 December 2010

Do Stretch Bands Really Work?

If you are looking for cellulite exercises, then check out the Stretch Band. Do Stretch Bands Really Work?


While most people usually think of free weights and bulky exercise machines as methods of working out,stretch bands are a good way to add variety to your exercise regimen. Although no exercise method works the same for everyone, stretch bands provide convenient resistance training for anyone that is willing to use them.

What Are Stretch Bands?

Stretch bands are commonly referred to as resistance bands and look like large rubber bands. They are a convenient and inexpensive form of exercise equipment that can be used anywhere, anytime. Stretch bands are available in a variety of colors, tension levels and other options, such as those with handles, figure eight’s and double bands.

How Stretch Bands Work

Because the stretch bands provide the resistance that is necessary to build muscles and tone fatty areas on your body, there is no need to use weights during your workout. Stretch bands can be tied around pillars or staircases to make chest presses and seated rows simple. They can also be used on their own, such as when doing bicep curls or squats. For additional options, you may find it useful to purchase a how-to video or search here at 3FC for exercises that can be done while using the stretch bands.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Choose Leeks

To lose 

Fat Cellulite you need a diet with lots of vegetables. To get variety, try eating leeks.

As vegetables, leeks belong to the Alliaceae family, together with onions and garlic. You might have occasionally added leeks to your cuisine or stock. The edible portions include the white base and the pale green stalk. While leeks appear unassuming or even boring, they have many nutritional benefits that are similar to those of garlic and onion. To maximize the flavor of leeks, note that when boiled, they turn soft and have a mild taste. When fried or sauteed, they are crunchier and are similar to raw leeks in taste. When raw, they are crunchy and firm, and are best used for salads. Usually only the white and pale green portions are used, because the dark green portion is woody in texture and has a mild flavor. Here’s a closer look at some of the nutritional benefits of leeks:

1. Protects the Linings of Blood Vessels

A flavonoid called kaempferol is present in significant amounts in leeks. Kaempferol provides protection to the linings of the blood vessels, particularly against free radicals or reactive oxygen species. Kaempferol could also induce the increased production of nitric oxide, a substance that acts as a natural dilator and relaxant of the blood vessels. Therefore, it allows your blood vessels to rest and decreases your risk for hypertension.

2. Provides Folate

A bioactive form of folate called 5-methyltetrahydrofolate is present in leeks. Aside from being an important vitamin during pregnancy, folate has been shown to lessen the concentration of homocysteine in the blood. Note that excessive levels of homocysteine promote inflammatory conditions and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis. By adding leeks to your diet, you can decrease your homocysteine levels, and protect your heart and blood vessels.

3. Functions as an Antioxidant

Leeks contain polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants. These substances help fight against free radicals that can cause many chronic diseases and aging. A 100 g portion of fresh leeks contains about 33 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE). This is less than what is present in garlic (59 mg GAE) and onions (76 mg GAE), but leeks are highly valuable sources. If you are looking for an alternative to the strong flavors of garlic and onions while retaining the benefits of allium vegetables, then look no further than leeks.

4. Decreases Risk of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

Although not as famous as onions and garlic, leeks are important vegetables for fighting against chronic low-level inflammatory states. These states include diabetes, obesity and rheumatoid arthritis. Leeks can decrease the risk for these conditions by virtue of their polyphenol and kaempferol contents.

5. Provides Vitamins and Minerals

Leeks are also good sources of vitamins C, B6 (pyridoxine) and K, as well as manganese and iron. Vitamin C is important in wound healing and collagen formation. Pyridoxine is important in efficient energy utilization. Vitamin K is needed for blood coagulation, and for metabolism of bone and connective tissues. Manganese functions as a coenzyme for many reactions in the body, while iron is important in the formation of hemoglobin. By incorporating leeks in your diet, you can be sure that you are receiving good amounts of these nutrients.

Friday 26 November 2010

Arm Fat

Arm fat is very common and quite often subject to cellulite. Arm fat cellulite may not be that easy to lose, even though you are losing weight. Following a strict diet just won’t do the trick. You have to combine diet, do cellulite exercises and have plenty of determination. It is completely possible for you to fight arm fat and win. Setting a weight loss goal and attaining it can be a very rewarding experience.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Creamy Polenta helps you lose cellulite

Creamy polenta

 is a grain-based food that is getting more and more notoriety as a great alternative to pasta, rice, bread and other grain based products. Replacing these can make a huge difference if you want to lose celluliteFor best results, be sure to experiment with different types of polenta in order to find the type that you like best.

Polenta is often referred to as “corn grits,” as is basically a mixture containing high amounts of coarsely ground corn. While polenta could once only be found at high end specialty or organic grocery stores, it can now be easily found in most grocery store chains. However, it is important to be aware that polenta is often packaged in a number of different ways, and because of this, people who are new to using polenta in their cooking can often be confused when it comes to making a purchase. Typically, polenta will be sold either in its dry form. However, it can also be found packaged similarly to a sausage.
